Can Dogs Eat Peas and Carrots?

Pets can eat peas and carrots, which are excellent sources of fiber. They keep your dog’s digestive tract moving smoothly, helping prevent constipation. Fiber also helps your dog feel full and prevents obesity. These vegetables are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamins In Peas And Carrots Dogs can benefit from a variety of vitamins … Read more

Why Do Kittens Meow So Much?

You may be wondering why kittens meow so much. Female cats are louder than males. Irrespective of breed, there are some health problems that may be causing excessive meowing. Here are a few causes: You may be neglecting your kitten, or he is afraid of loud noises. Siamese And Burmese kittens Meow Loudly If you … Read more

Why Does My Cat Cry at Night?

If your cat cries during the night, you may want to investigate the cause. The reasons for this behavior can be age-related, insecurities, or even medical conditions. Your vet can provide you with an accurate diagnosis, and offer solutions to your specific situation. The best way to handle your cat’s crying problem is to seek … Read more

Is Kale Good For Dogs?

Kale is a good source of antioxidants. Dogs can safely eat kale in moderation. It should not make them sick, but it should be limited to about 10% of their daily calorie intake. However, some dogs are sensitive to raw kale, which may cause kidney stones and gastric irritation. Raw Kale Can Cause Thyroid Problems … Read more

Why Won’t My Cat Stop Meowing?

If your cat keeps meowing, it may be a sign that it needs your attention. A non-stop meow could also be a signal that your cat is lonely or in pain. If your cat does meow, there are a few things you can try. First of all, make sure that your cat is eating properly … Read more

Homemade Dog Anti Itch Spray

A homemade dog anti-itch spray is a great way to give your dog quick, natural relief from itchy skin. While it won’t cure the problem completely, it can help your dog until it gets proper vet care. This antiitch solution is made from several ingredients that are both healthy and affordable. These include Lavender essential … Read more